cloud PBX Archives

Is Your PBX Worth the Cost?

PBX phone systems have always been a tried and true method of communication for businesses. However, now that other technologies are available, is up-keeping your PBX lines worth the cost? In most cases, the answer is no. There are several other options that have more features for a lower price, so if you’re in the […]

Are You Ready for the Next Great Migration? The Cloud is Now.

Migration /mʌɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/ – noun. The process of moving from one thing to another. Great migrations include years of travelers coming to new land for better opportunities, seasonal movement of birds, and now the movement from old, out dated systems to the cloud. While migration in the past may have been thought of as timely and exhausting, […]

3 Questions for Altigen MaxCS Clients in their Quest for the Cloud

Moving your telecommunications systems to the cloud is a trend that no longer asks the question of “if” but “when.” A Cloud Hosted IP PBX is becoming an inevitable move for many companies. Either your phone system is outdated, needs replacement, or is no longer cost effective. You know the cloud is here to stay… it is practically guaranteed a […]

Communications as a Service: Benefit from USING Technology, Not BUYING Technology

You don’t derive any benefits by OWNING technology, you derive benefits from USING the technology. The purchase and ownership of proprietary boxes, and then managing and upgrading them has proven to be a costly and time consuming function for enterprise communications. A simpler solution embraced by many companies is looking to a hosted solution for […]

What I Wish I Knew a Year Ago About Unified Communications

Technology is constantly evolving. No surprise statement there. We have all bought the latest mobile phone, only to be envious of the next model that comes out a few months later with more features… Or TV, gaming system, iPod, etc. If only we knew to wait just a few more months for the next big thing. The […]

8 Reasons to Consider Office 365 for Unified Communications

“Communications” has taken on many forms over time, from stone tablets to tablet computers, telegrams to telephones, the Pony Express to Outlook Express. When it comes to today’s communications, the various methods we use in business have long operated in silos: Your phone system was for voice, your computer for email, and that was that. […]
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