Hosted IP PBX Archives

Why Are Businesses Ditching Old Phone Systems for Cloud Communications?

Converting to a new phone system is a huge undertaking, which can deter businesses from making the switch. Despite this, many small to medium sized business are choosing to move their phone systems to the cloud. A cloud communication system can increase efficiency, cut operating costs over time, and it’s fully customizable unlike most of […]

3 Questions for Altigen MaxCS Clients in their Quest for the Cloud

Moving your telecommunications systems to the cloud is a trend that no longer asks the question of “if” but “when.” A Cloud Hosted IP PBX is becoming an inevitable move for many companies. Either your phone system is outdated, needs replacement, or is no longer cost effective. You know the cloud is here to stay… it is practically guaranteed a […]

Why Phones Are No Longer a Barrier to Entry for VoIP

When voice over IP was introduced on the market, there were a number of factors that prohibited adoption. The cost savings were no doubt sexy, as long distance calling rates soared for many companies. But the poor quality of internet connections, coupled with the high price of managing an in-house VoIP system and replacing existing […]

DIY vs. Hosted in Unified Communications Solutions

As with all things in life, if you have decided to move your business phone systems to a VoIP solution, you have choices to make. Do you purchase the IP PBX and run and operate the system on premise, or do you look to eliminate the capital expenditure and move to a Hosted IP PBX? […]
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