In a recent blog we discussed the importance of phone security, and the means through which an internet connection is established. We all know security is something we should monitor when it comes to our computers, but what happens if phone systems are neglected?

A Toyota dealership in Summit County, OH experienced this first hand as they lost control of their phone lines in a hostage situation. For the past few days hackers have been in control of the dealership’s phone lines, and refuse to relinquish their hold until they receive $851. This is an unusual situation because Summit Toyota has been hard pressed to find any help from law enforcement. With such a small asking price, both local officials and the FBI have been relatively unresponsive. However, the dealership is unwilling to pay the ransom, and they haven’t been able to access their phones since last week.

They use internet based phone lines with little to no security protocols in place, which made it easy for hackers to swoop in and take control. Without an in-house expert to solve this problem, Summit Toyota has been dependent on outside help to solve their hacker situation. Until it’s resolved it will be difficult for the dealership to conduct business as usual.

If your business connects phone lines to the internet, whether that be via SIP Trunking or an AVR system, make sure your connection is secure! Late versions of TLS servers increase the level of security you can provide for your business, however, without anyone to manage your communications you could still be faced with a hostage situation similar to the car dealership’s should a hacker break through. For fully managed Unified Communications solutions that will monitor your security, partner with an agency you trust. Altigen has serves as a partner for their clients by providing UC solutions that are managed throughout the client lifecycle, so a representative who knows your business can help if a problem arises.

To learn more about Altigen, check out our resources page.

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